fairworld's life

ScreenDumpDA 1.01 본문

Mobile Life/Palm Life

ScreenDumpDA 1.01

fairworld 2008. 10. 14. 15:56

ScreenDumpDA - screen shot Desk Accessory 1.01

This OS 4 and up Desk Accessory requires a standard Desk Accessory
launcher. When launched, it saves a screenshot in bmp format
in the root directory of your SD, Memory Stick, Hard Drive,
etc. (the first drive it finds). If you don't have a flash card
or built-in drive, this will not work for you.

This program and its source code is hereby released into the
Public Domain by its author Alexander R. Pruss.


스크린샷 유틸리티 ScreenDumpDA 1.01입니다.
팜 OS 4.0 이상에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
이 프로그램을 사용하기 위해 DA Launcher가 필요합니다.
사용에 제한이 없는 프리웨어입니다.

[kpug.net 펌]